At a young age Heidi perfected the art of hiding out so she could read instead of doing chores. One husband and three daughters later, not much has changed. She has an abiding love for peanut butter M&Ms, all things fall, and any book that can make her forget she’s supposed to be keeping her children alive. Heidi recently received an offer to publish her first book, “Mended Affections,” and is enjoying the thrill of the author roller coaster ride. She lives just outside of Dallas, Texas. Q & A With HeidiQ: What is your favorite kind of cookie?
A: Most definitely chocolate chip. But, since you’re asking, let me specify that it must be warm, soft, and a little gooey in the middle. Served with milk, please. Q: How did you get into writing? A: I’ve always been a reader. When I was young, my mom “encouraged” me to finish my chores by taking away my books. But the demands of young motherhood made reading much harder. It wasn’t until my husband was in business school that I had a lot of time to myself at night after I’d put my girls to bed and began to read voraciously. I remember reading one book, and halfway through, setting it down and saying to myself, “I could write better than this.” Ha! I quickly learned how much there is to writing and how little I knew, but it started me down the path I’m on today! Q: What is your greatest fear? A: Spiders, most definitely spiders. I recently read a news article where a man lit his apartment on fire while trying to kill a spider. If it weren’t for my husband and children, who are my own personal spider killers, that could be me. Q: Are you always going to write Regency? Do you write anything else? A: To be honest, the first book I ever wrote was a YA Dystopian. But I wrote it before learning a lot of what I know now as an author, and I’m a little afraid that it’s not worthy of seeing the light of day. The book I’m working on right now is regency, but I’ve also got a fairytale fantasy that I’m working on . . . basically, I don’t ever want to be restricted to one genre. Q: What else do you like to do besides write? A: I love to travel. I love to eat. I love to eat when I travel. I also love long walks, Disney movies, and spending time with my husband and my three little girls. |